Every Bite Project
by Elizabeth Verrall
Nature Regina has engaged in several partnerships over the years with other community groups. These relationships have extended the reach of Nature Regina in the community.

Every Bite Project North Central Community Garden Tour 2022
Nature Regina partners with the Every Bite Project on the Every Bite Affects the World Local Action Awards. These one-time awards of $800 recognize local actions helping people discover the connections between the food we eat, our own health, and the health of other living beings and the environment. Since 2022, eight awards have been given out, most recently to two new land-based education programs offered by Regina Public Schools. The award recipients to date are:
North Central Community Association - Community Gardens
Heritage Community Association - 11th Avenue Art Park
Prairie Sky School - Food Forest and Mural
Buffalo People Arts Institute
Nature Regina Get Outside Program
City Street Farms
miskâsowin askîhk Program (finding oneself on the land) Campus Regina Public (high school)
kiskinwahamatowin – Learning Together Thomson Community School (elementary school)

Prairie Sky School students unveiling their food forest mural.
The Every Bite Local Action Awards are funded through legacy donations made to the Every Bite Project in memory of Catherine Verrall who was well known in Regina's environmental activist community.