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Honourary Life Memberships

by Elaine Ehman

As part of the 90th anniversary celebrations, honourary Life memberships were awarded to Dorothy Rhead and Gary Seib on December 11, 2023.

Dorothy Rhead

Dorothy Rhead has been a member of Nature Regina for more than 30 years (1972).  Most recently, Dorothy was our social convenor providing coffee and cookies for our social time prior to the meetings. For nine years Dorothy was the first to arrive and the last to leave.

Dorothy was born and raised on a farm north of Regina, not far from Lestock and she’s always enjoyed hiking and bird watching.  She can remember be interested in birds from an early age.  One of the many things Dorothy learned about birds was that they could predict the weather. She knew the weather would be clearing up once they started singing after a rain. 

Dorothy’s a member of Nature Saskatchewan which recently published her poem, Dog Days of Summer; she’s been a member of Ducks Unlimited for 27 years; and a founding member and president of Wascana Wanderers, a walking group that is part of the Canadian Volkssport Federation. Dorothy spent seven years in the Canadian Air Force (but unlike her birds she never flew), has lived in Quebec, Ontario, and Manitoba and we’re so glad she landed here in Regina.

Dorothy is a member of the SK Trails Association and when we look at what they do – it describes her perfectly:  trail blazing, community building, and scenic preservation.

Gary Seib

Gary Seib has been a member of Nature Regina since 1972 and he credits Lorne Scott, who also joined that year, as the fellow who signed him up.  In Gary’s view, the members of Nature Regina and all of their contributions have made the society the success that it is.

Gary was president of Nature Regina twice in the last 30 years; the first time from 1972 to 1973, and the second time from 2016 to 2018. 

Gary became a member of the Grasslands Park committee and was honoured for his work.  He recalled the long and arduous journey for the grasslands area to achieve the designation of national park, with Nature Regina and Nature Saskatchewan at the forefront of the project.

© 2024 Nature Regina

Many thanks to all Nature Regina members and volunteers who help foster appreciation for nature in Regina and surrounding areas

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