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2021 Great Canadian Birdathon!

May is Birdathon month! Help to raise funds for the Last Mountain Bird Observatory by counting the number of bird species you see on any one day in May, or in any other month. This year, LMBO is forming the Black-and-White Warbler Birdathon Team, which will count bird species on Saturday May 1st in the vicinity of LMBO. You can be part of this team, and count species from your own location on any day in May and submit results to our team leader. Contact the team leader, Jordan Rustad, who is registering the team with Birds Canada, and you will be provided with a pledge sheet for your sponsors names and addresses (for tax receipt purposes), or your sponsors can support the Team online.

To support the Black-and-White Warbler Birdathon Team visit Great Canadian Birdathon and enter the Team name to go to its Birdathon page. If you prefer, do your own Birdathon on any day in any month in 2021 by registering with Birds Canada as an individual. Be sure to name Nature Saskatchewan (they manage LMBO) as your sponsoring club on your registration form so that funds you raise will go to LMBO. A small portion of funds raised go to bird conservation in Canada.

Jordan Rustad is the intrepid leader of our Get Outside! Outdoor Explorer nature walks, and is also the chief bander at LMBO during the migration seasons. Please support her efforts by making a pledge!

The Great Canadian Birdathon is a national initiative of Birds Canada that occurs across Canada on any one day, usually in May but in 2021 in any month due to the COVID-19 pandemic, to raise funds for bird conservation. During a 24-hour period, “birdathoners” try to find as many bird species as they can. The birdathoner can be sponsored at a flat rate, or on a per species basis.

© 2024 Nature Regina

Many thanks to all Nature Regina members and volunteers who help foster appreciation for nature in Regina and surrounding areas

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