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2026 Calendar and Photo Challenge 


Theme: Celebrating Natural Areas In and Near Regina


Nature Regina is planning our 2026 calendar. We hope the calendar will create greater awareness of the many areas where one can walk, search for birds and wildflowers and generally enjoy being out in nature and encourage more people to get outside and walk in nature.


The calendar will feature 13 areas, one for each month and one on the cover and provide information about these areas and how to visit them. We plan to mention a 14th area with smaller photos. The 14 areas are listed below. We also invite suggestions for areas that should be included in the calendar.


We will be looking for photos that represent different seasons and that help communicate the beauty of an area. That beauty may be seen in a landscape, or a bird or insect or wildflower.


We encourage members to visit these areas through fall, winter and spring to take photos which might be used in the calendar. Photos you already have are also acceptable.


1. Entries will be accepted from now until midnight July 15, 2025.

2. Entrants must be Nature Regina members or volunteers.

3. Preference will be given to photos which communicate the attractiveness of the area, whether through a landscape or a photo of wildlife, wildflowers or other natural features. Photos may be taken at any time but must be taken in the natural area the photo is to represent.

4. Please practice ethical nature photography when participating in this contest. We ask that photography efforts do not cause direct or indirect disturbance to wildlife or their residences. Photos that include views of active nests or other active wildlife residences will not be accepted.

5. There is a limit of 10 photos per photographer, of which no more than three should represent a single nominated area.

6. Photos will be selected by a panel based on the "Celebrating Natural Areas In and Near Regina" theme, originality, and composition.

7. If there are people in the photos, please include written permission from each person, (or guardian, in the case of minors), indicating that they understand the photo may be published and there is no compensation for being in the photo.

8. Please include a brief (50 words or less) description of the photo subject. For example, where, when and why the photo was taken. This will be included in the calendar with the selected photos. See the 2025 calendar for examples.

9. If your photo is selected, you will be contacted about technical requirements for printing. 10. By submitting photos, photographers give Nature Regina permission to use the photo in the calendar. Rights for all other uses remain with the photographer. Credit will be given to the photographer in the calendar.


Submit your entries to:


Areas To Be Included in the Calendar:


Provincial Parks and Recreation Areas

· Condie Nature Refuge

· Wascana Trails Recreation Site

· White Butte Trails

· Buffalo Pound Provincial Park

· Echo Valley Provincial Park

· Valeport Marsh and Recreation Site


City Parks and Sites

· Wascana Marsh including the Habitat Area and grassed area by the university

· McKell Wascana Conservation Park

· AE Wilson Park

· Old Craig Golf Course


Private Sanctuaries

· Hidden Valley Nature Sanctuary

· Fairy Hill (NCC) Trailhead is from Highway 6 immediately south of Qu’Appelle Valley. Information and map here.

· Valley View (NCC) –North side of Highway 99 in the Qu’Appelle Valley, 4.15 kms east of the Craven Dam. Information can be found here.

· Big Valley (NCC) – Adjacent to and west of Valeport Marsh, accessed from Lumsden Beach area , see map and information here.


Syrphid Fly on Prickly Rose, taken by Gail Fennell, 2022

© 2024 Nature Regina

Many thanks to all Nature Regina members and volunteers who help foster appreciation for nature in Regina and surrounding areas

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