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The purpose of this group is to go on nature outings together and, on those outings, have some
opportunity socializing among senior members of Nature Regina.


To join the group one must:

  • be a member of Nature Regina;

  • be a senior (self defined); and

  • take a regular rotation in planning and leading outings.

The group is currently planning activities every Wednesday through May and June and then every
second Wednesday through the summer and fall. Outings vary from 2 hours in the city to all day trips.


Each member takes a turn as leader, choosing a location and advising the group of where and when to go. The leader is not expected to have expertise in the flora and fauna, just to choose a place and get people there.

People wanting to join the group should contact one of the coordinators: Dale Hjertaas and Roberta Cox

© 2024 Nature Regina

Many thanks to all Nature Regina members and volunteers who help foster appreciation for nature in Regina and surrounding areas

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